In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to make Google Assistant based scrolling LED display.that is we can change the scrolling text with the help of google assistant

 So let’s start
Please watch the video till the end to get some ideas
Things needed for this

8*8led matrix

CLK to D5

CS to D8

DIN to D7 and

Vcc  to Vcc 


Adafruit io setup
First, go to
Then sign up with your Google account

 you will see Welcome Dashboard click on it, 

then click on Create New Block 

and select Text 

then enter LED Matrix And click Create then select  LED Matrix and click Next then Create Block.

After that go back to your dashboard and select View AIO Key and copy that key
Now open the code and paste the io key do the same for username.
Also, give SSID and password there. 
After that upload Sketch to nodemcu
First, go to
Sign up with your Google account (the same account that used in adafruit)
After that click on create

Then click on  first + icon and search Google Assistant and select it then click Connect select account and allow it
Then select Say a Phrase with Text Ingredient and here type

Then u need to give the trigger commands do it as you wish
 “change matrix to $” so whenever you will say change matrix to and whatever will be after to(i.e in place of $ symbol), will be displayed.
You can select multiple triggers like that. 
Next, select what assistant will reply. 
Then select Create Trigger.

 Now click on the next + icon  and search Adafruit click Connect and authorize it

Then select Send Data to Adafruit IO,

select the feed name which we created earlier then click on Add Ingredient and select Text Field and hit Create Action.

That’s all about the software side

Comments (1)

  1. Where is the code

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