The Si5350/51 family of highly flexible, programmable clock generators can be customized to generate up to eight independent non-integer-related frequencies. The devices have eight CMOS clock outputs offered in a space saving 4×4 mm 20-QFN or lower cost three clock output versions offered in a 10-MSOP package. Each output has an independent MultiSynth™ fractional divider that accepts a high-frequency reference from one of the device’s internal PLLs and accurately divides down the clock to generate unique, non-integer-related frequencies from 2.5 kHz to 200 MHz. Any combination of output frequencies can be generated by the device. All clocks are generated with 0 ppm frequency synthesis error, enabling the replacement of XOs and PLL-based clocks while simplifying design and minimizing cost. As an added feature, the Si5350/51 features an integrated VCXO which eliminates the need
for pullable crystals. The Si5350 features configurable control pin options allowing the direct pin control of frequency select, output enable, spread spectrum enable and powerdown. Each output supports 1.8, 2.5, or 3.3 V operation, eliminating the need for external level translators in mixed-supply applications.
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