in this tutorial, I am showing how to build a touch sensing plant using Arduino
that is when you touch the plant  the colour changes
watch this video

things needed

circuit diagram
I made  circuit diagram using fritzing software
first, connect 1 megaohm resistor between  pin 2 and 4 of Arduino
 then attach the touch line  to pin 4 also connect the other end to your plant
now connect 3 LEDs(different colours) to pin5,6,7
if you are using RGB LED  then connect the common ground to ground  and connect other pins to Arduino digital pin 5,6,7

this project works based on the change in capacitance so we are using capacitivesensor.h library
download library from here
download Arduino code from here
Code credits@amal mathew
connect Arduino and plant  with some good conducting wire like copper and also use  good plants  I mean water-rich plants like magic bamboo, water Lilly etc

Comments (6)

  1. nice

  2. thanks

  3. If you're having trouble with the code and an Arduino Uno, any suggestions?

  4. wheres the code

  5. How to transfer the wires to the pcb board?

    1. what

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